


玩家用帳號作買賣交易時, 當心新詐騙。記住: 一旦某人有您的帳號名和密碼, 您的帳號不再是安全。千萬別將帳號資料給與任何人。

作為提示: 大量買和賣金錢或遊戲道具兌換為現金被禁止。如果您購買遊戲金幣或道具, 您的帳號將鎖定並且您購買的金幣或道具將從您的帳號被刪除。請讀我們的遊戲規則, 對現金交易有所了解。

我們追求的目標是提供令人愉快的遊戲環境給每個激戰玩家。所以我們非常嚴格取締現金交易行為(買和賣金或在遊戲內以道具換取真實世界的金錢) 。每週, 我們取締數以萬計帳號在使用現金交易的玩家或打錢公司, 因為那些公司由跑非法外掛bots程式來耕田獲取金錢和道具,危害了遊戲玩家, 並且發送同樣的買賣廣告消息到多個網際網路,試圖竊取玩家資料。

制訂玩家[用戶協議書]來規範非法外掛(botting) 和買賣金錢相關活動 。這些規則保護整個激戰世界免受汙染,使玩家得到公平競賽的一套指南。因為現金交易活動消極地衝擊許多玩家樂趣 。

舉例, 賣幣商經常從電腦網路發送同樣的資訊到多個玩家。在城鎮洗瀕廣告,對希望使用交易頻道作正常買賣, 尋找組隊的許多玩家, 或正在比賽會議時,可能是惱人的。這些凌亂洗瀕廣告, 讓一般玩家困擾.因為他們自己的言語資訊被大量廣告商給洗頻掉。

非法耕田擾亂遊戲的經濟。許多玩家花很多遊戲時間來賺取金幣,因此他們能購買技能、升級武器, 或改進他們的技能。但是, 一般玩家無法與經常耕田的打錢公司相比,因為他們使用上百台電腦作業。玩家也許會發現他們的稀有物品價值下降了.因為外掛供應大量現金和道具, 他們得花更多費用製裝。

雖然部份玩家不能體會, 但是這將會對許多玩家的嚴肅衝擊。打錢公司橫行和竊取合法的帳號, 經由網路陷阱竊取密碼。

有關這種非法活動經常發生在我們所愛好的遊戲上。當發生在你我周遭認識的玩家上, 您會察覺並且開始瞭解這問題將長時間影響遊戲生態 。

保護Guild Wars 世界免受現金交易造成的問題, 我們積極地取締這些賣幣商和設法停止他們濫用我們的會員和防礙比賽環境。下面被列出我們採取保護Guild Wars 會員免受陷於非法交易的誘惑。

 1. 一些措施,讓我們能偵測和實行鎖定(每週取締了近5000違規玩家).

 2. 我們嘗試追查被竊取的帳號和歸還原持有者.

 3. 我們的GM (管理人員)日以繼夜監看遊戲,因此他們能去除外掛和違規推銷者(經常在幾小時頻創帳號).

4. 當我們查出很多可疑的共同網際位址(IP分享器), 我們鎖其帳號.

5. 我們取締開跳板的玩家(proxy代理器),從世界上任何地方登入這遊戲.

6. 辨認誰是賣幣商,我們暫停他們的帳號和取消被購買的遊戲幣。我們並且鼓勵玩家們舉報。打錢公司在法規上不被允准販賣Guild Wars 金幣。他們沒有從官方ArenaNet獲得授權. 

記住, 如果您有用現金購買遊戲幣, 資助這些公司和支持他們的行為。這些打錢商每天導致許多交易玩家被鎖定。如果您不喜歡他們雜亂廣告, 外掛橫行, 和竊取帳號, 就不要買他們遊戲幣。

< 原文如下>

Real-Money Trading Policy
It is our goal to provide an enjoyable experience to every Guild Wars player. That's why we take the topic of real-money trading (buying and selling gold or in-game items for real-world money) very seriously. Every week, we ban thousands of accounts used by real-money trading companies, because those companies harm the game for other players by running large networks of bots to farm gold and items, spamming chat channels with their advertisements, and even attempting to steal login credentials from unsuspecting players.
Why we crack down on real-money trading 
Real-money trading and related activities such as botting and spamming are breaches of the User Agreement and Rules of Conduct. These rules help protect the entire Guild Wars community from abuse by providing a set of guidelines for fair play that allow all players to enjoy the game. Real-money trading activities negatively impact the fun of many players.
For example, real-money trading companies set up networks of computers to constantly spam players. Message spamming in cities and towns can be irritating to many players who wish to use the chat channels to legitimately buy or sell items, look for a group or a friend, or get advice on some aspect of the game. These messages clutter the chat screen, upsetting regular players because their own messages get lost in the clutter or scroll off the screen too quickly due to all that computer-generated spam.
Real-money trading also upsets the game's economy. Many players spend countless hours of game time earning gold so they can purchase skills, weapon upgrades, or runes to improve their characters. However, regular players cannot compete with the huge bot networks run on hundreds of computers that real-money trading companies use to constantly farm the game. These bot farms can make it nearly impossible for casual and hard-core players alike to reap the benefits of the time they spend in the game. Players may find that the value of their hard-earned items has dropped due to a glut of bot-collected items, or they may find that the cost of their upgrades skyrocket due to all that purchased gold flooding the market.
There is also a shady side to real-money trading that players may not realize exists, but which has a serious impact on many players. Real-money trading companies hack into and steal legitimate accounts, often by distributing keystroke-logging malware to steal passwords. In fact, simply purchasing gold from these companies may open you up to a later hacking attempt. These hacked accounts are then stripped clean of any valuable in-game items and/or used for botting.
We are concerned that this kind of illegal activity happens more and more often in the games we all love to play. Ask any player who has had an account hacked (or fallen prey to a fraudulent scheme in the game) how he or she feels about it, and you will surely begin to understand how this growing problem affects the game.

How we deal with real-money traders
To help protect the Guild Wars community from the problems caused by real-money trading, we aggressively pursue these companies and try to stop them from abusing our players and the game. Listed below are some of the measures we take to protect Guild Wars players from the abuses of real-money trading companies.
  • We identify and ban accounts—typically more than 5,000 per week—being used by real-money trading companies.
  • We attempt to identify stolen accounts and return them to their rightful owners.
  • Our GMs monitor the game around the clock so they can remove botters and spammers from the game, often within hours of account creation.
  • When we detect a large amount of abuse from a single Internet address (IP address), we block that address from accessing the game.
  • We block open proxies (open Internet servers which can relay traffic from anywhere in the world) from accessing the game.
  • We identify players who purchase gold from real-money trading companies, and we suspend their accounts and remove the purchased gold. We also encourage these players to seek restitution from their credit card company. Real-money trading companies are not legally authorized to sell Guild Wars gold. They don't own the gold — ArenaNet does. Credit card companies know this, so buyers of gold can generally call their credit card companies and get the charges removed.
Remember, if you purchase gold for real-world money, you are funding these companies and supporting their behavior. These companies cause real grief to you and your fellow players on a daily basis. If you don't like them spamming, botting, hacking, and stealing accounts, then don't buy their gold.

6 則留言:

marecanto 提到...

marecanto 於2008/08/24 10:53:41

我是從一部曲開始玩的老玩家 待過幾個公會 但無奈台灣GW 不是那麼盛行 公會總是沒辦法撐很久 希望能加入公會 大家一起解任務 過大型副本 小弟上線的的間比較不固定 所以很難參加公會戰和英雄之路 但是同盟戰算是老手 希望有公會可以收留 感恩
GW代號 "Moon闇"

rikey32000 提到...

rikey32000 於2008/08/24 15:48


flower10082001 提到...

flower10082001 於2008/08/06 01:06:03




rikey32000 提到...

rikey32000 於2008/08/06 02:56

rikey3@hotmail.com 我們聊.

flower10082001 提到...

flower10082001 於2008/08/04 06:32:33






rikey32000 提到...

rikey32000 於2008/08/05 20:08

沒改E-mail 一樣可玩