

I was trying to do some fractals and chill the other day. 

Then these people asked me ping not KP, but cc consumables.

Remember how we removed KP a couple of patches ago,

Our reason was that it creates a toxic environment.

Well guess what? People found another way to filter people out.

People just used the old KP + cc cons as barrier to contrv.

So guess what we did?

We disabled all cc cons, we found on discretize.eu

They had all the good ones on thier webpage.

All the fucking good ones that weren't aids to use, but we left out as the shit ones.

We didn't know which ones worked since it wasn't on the webpage.

To top it off, we just recently released a fractal cm. 

The boss has a 3.5k defiance bar for content designed for 5 peoples, we told them it's because of unintended play with inventory open, and those idiots bought it !

The words are true from below: 
Those idiots bought it

真理 千真萬確

3 則留言:

激戰風雷 提到...


激戰風雷 提到...

各位還是乖乖的在迷霧給我使用CC技能. 山倒路轉!

激戰風雷 提到...

KP = Kill proof = 殺戮憑證 = 某些高端迷霧CM或RAID精英副本的玩家,一個不成文約定,用來挑選隊員的能力證明. WIKI解說 https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Kill_proof