

激戰online大陸代理商漠視玩家權利  大陸玩家投書原廠ArenaNet

此新聞主題-第九城市為網路遊戲《激戰 Guild Wars》大陸地區代理商,此遊戲是一款世界統一伺服器管理的網路遊戲,採用全世界伺服器同步更新、管理的方式運作,並在世界各地擁有許多國家代理營運,為歐美排行榜人氣最高的網路遊戲之一。

近期大陸地區的《激戰 Guild Wars》由於代理商的消極經營,公測時間由3月開始到目前還沒結束;並曾經在宣傳標語中寫下了【公測不刪檔】的承諾後,將大陸以北的伺服器專區關閉,並且無任何補償動作;而由 8/31 全世界同步開啟的最新資料片-《激戰 間奏曲﹕極地之眼》,已在全世界各國進行收費營運,大陸地區也遲遲未開放。


目前《激戰 Guild Wars》在臺代理商為NCTaiwan吉恩立,《激戰 間奏曲﹕極地之眼》已於 8/31 開始營運。


初次见面,我们是一群大陆激战玩家,深爱着这款游戏(Guildwars),但目前激战在大陆的运营状况令 人担忧,我们深刻的预见到激战在大陆停止运营的悲惨结局。
Thank you for taking your valuable time to read this letter. We will only take a little bit of your time.
Greetings, we are a group of Mainland China Guild Wars players, who deeply love this game (Guild Wars). But at the moment GW's situation in Mainland China is worrying, and we foresee the tragic result of GW ceasing to operate in Mainland China. 

激战,她是款非常出色的游戏,带给我们带来了无穷的乐趣与回味,全球化的运营手段使中国的玩家们也能体验到 高端网络游戏,十分感谢。激战与大陆同期网络游戏相比是非常成功的,无论从画质,操作性等,大陆玩家不想放 弃这么宝贵的体验经历。
GW, it is a very outstanding game that brought us endless fun and memories. Its world-class operation enabled China's players to experience high-end online games, and we are grateful. GW is very successful compared to other contemporary online games in Mainland China - whether it is the graphics, controls, etc. Mainland China players don't want to give up this valuable gaming experience.

激战在中国大陆测试阶段非常火暴,阿斯卡隆城就有100多条线路,在PVP模式中,随即竞技场也曾经达到过 几十条线路的规模,但这仅仅是过去。现在的大陆激战,公会战有三支24人的队伍已经算是很热闹了,随即战中 经常找不到队伍。随着时间的推移,第九城市对激战的热情下降,玩家人群开始流失,转移到奇迹世界等网络游戏 中,并且第九城市突然关闭了大陆网通区(资料删除),出尔反尔的态度使玩家对代理商失去了最后 一丝信心。
GW in Mainland China was very popular during the test period. Ascalon had more than 100 districts. In PVP, even the arena had over tens of districts at one time. But all this is in the past. As it is now for PVP in Mainland China, guild battles with three 24-person teams would already be considered lively. In instant battles, teams could often not be found. With the passage of time, the9city's committment to GW is failing, and players are leaving and migrating to "Miracle World" and other online games. Also, the9city suddenly closed the Mainland China network region (deletion of data), and this attitude of going back on their word has made players lost all confidence in the operator.

在大陆,网络游戏玩家一直是弱势群体,如同鱼肉一样,仍人宰割,玩家没有力量与代理商那种不公正的待遇做抗 衡,真相一直被代理商掩盖着,我们丝毫不知道第九城市迟迟不连通国际服的用意以及难处,也不知道网通区关闭 后资料是否仍然存在,同样也不知道未来电信区被关闭后玩家何去何从。北方之眼非全球同步,这让人对于激战2 (GW2)的期待也大大的降低了。在中国有更多的人期待激战那种轻松愉快的游戏方式。
In Mainland China, online game players are in a weak position. Players don't have the power to contest with the operator over unfair treatment, and the truth has been hidden by the operator. We don't know the9city's intentions and difficulties in connecting to international service, whether the data is still there after the network region was closed, or what the players should do after the telecom region was shut down. In China, there are more people still out there anticipating GW's casual and fun playstyle.

玩家在游戏中投入的时间得不到保障,公开测试后的承诺都化为了泡影,被删除的网通区也不转移至电信区,这些 都让玩家冷齿。这样的行为看似不可能发生,但它确实在中国大陆发生了!痛心疾首!
The time spent in-game by players is not being protected. All the promises after the public play test turned out to be illusions, and the deleted network regions were not moved to the telecom region. All this has left the players discouraged. This kind of behaviour seemed impossible to happen, but it did happen in Mainland China! Terrible!

对于激战来说,我们带着一些幸运,偶然获得了Blessed by Fate,我们可以把意见反映给贵公司,因为第九城市不在是只手遮天的人物,在他之上拥有着一位更具权威的 人。历来大陆玩家投诉中国大陆代理商的种种行为,要求维护自己的权益都被漠视了,难道要让悲剧重演吗?不, 不行,现在不做出努力,将来也会发生同样的悲剧,也许未来的我们会更加的无奈!我们不单单是为了自己喜欢的 游戏而努力奋斗,同时也是为了未来与我们一样热爱游戏的人们。也许我们现在的力量微不足道,但将来不是,我 们相信这份信心将会传递下去。
For GW, we have a bit of luck and are blessed by fate. We can reflect our opinions to your Company, because the9city cannot cover everything up, and there is someone above them. Time after time, when players complain about the behavior of operators in Mainland China and attempt to protect their rights, they were ignored. Do we want history to repeat itself? No, no way, if we don't try now, similar tragedies will just happen again, and we might even be more helpless in the future! We are not just fighting for our favorite game, but also for other upcoming passionate gamers. Our attempts may be feeble now, but it won't be in the future, and we hope this faith will continue.

We submit this on behalf of all Mainland China GW players, and apologize for any offenses caused.
Thank you for reading.
Mainland China GW Players

另外一篇是內地玩家 Bright Luo 的書面文

Dear Sir/Game Manager
Here from china,let me introuduce myself first,i am one of the chinese' GW(guild wasrs) players,my name is Bright Luo

As a chinese GW player, we don't know anything about Arena and the chinese agent: the 9citys' relationship. But we hope we have rights to know something about game's update information.

But why can one of the best world wide game on china be a rubbish game?
Why a one of the best game in china only have few people playing, even most of people don't know what GW is !

Why can a world famous company(the9city) break its promise whitout any scruple?

And the most facetion thing is that under the9city's eyes we china mainland won't belongs to the earth!

Now,let me explain these things,ignore the testing time,GW open to the public on march of this year, it use to be more than 150lines on askl,and more than 30lines on random area,but now ,but now all the area only have one line and most of the area have no player in that map. The Innuendo thing is that in chinese's GW there are only 5~6 team playing GvG now. why so many player left GW or change to other country's server?

When the game first face the public,the9city promise they won't delete any player's data,but it shut down the china-cnc area whitout any compellent reason on july!i think it's a world joke to whom already a NASDOQ conpany!Here a links http://gw.replays.net/cms/News/2007-6-21/1182437951.html

On 31/8 the Guild Wars expansion Eye of the North already open to the world, but in china we can't get any news and massage about the expansion, Even the china gw official website(www.gw.the9.com) doesn't renew the massage for a long time. As a Gw player we all very angry about that. We don't know the main reason about why the expansion can't open in china but at least we have right to know it's that open or not.Maybe chinese mainland doesn't include in the earth i guess!

"www.gw.the9.com" the official website havn't updata for more than three months,and the gw translate team is disband!

Almost no netbar(the place where there are hundreds people playing the games) you can see the GW advertisement(the situation of china is that a mmorpg want to be fashion and prosperous,the agent must take many time and money on netwar)

There is a big problem in chinese GW. If a new player want to play GW in netcafe or at home, when they down load the game and after setup, they can't join into the server, it always has "mistake code 058". I just take half and hour to fix this problem for my friend when i write this letter. This is a big reason why so many people left GW

Other bugs i don't tell anymore,but the above ones,who's fail?who is in spite of our mainland palyers emotion?It's funny that the two world famous company can't settle these problem?

whatever happens GW is still the best game on the world,yes the BEST! Chinese players whom play it still stay or had left all said it's at least as good as wow(world of warcraft)

We all prepare our money to pay for GW,most of the chinese GW players are adults and rational, and the most biggest game consumer parts ,we are social elite because of our age(between 20-30) and the internet time!

We think you Arena will give us a good reply,so we organise the players and left their signs and hope you won't disappoint the whole chinese' GW players!

Please expansion Eye of the North please link to the international line please charge the game!

We love this game deeply crazy hardly
! Please please please give us the same rights!

Bright Luo
